Panjab University, Chandigarh announces admissions for BA/B.Com., LLB Entrance Test 2016 for admission to B.A./B.Com LLB (Hons) 5 year Integrated course for 2016 session
Name of the Courses: B.A./B.Com., LL.B (Hons.) 5 years Integrated Course
Duration: The duration of the above-said course/s is 5 years consisting of ten semesters (July-December; January-May)
Seats Available (LAW)
B.A/B.Com.LL.B (Hons) 5 years Integrated course at different Centres of Panjab University
- BA LLB (Hons) 5 years Integrated Course: (University Institute of Legal Studies, Panjab University, Chandigarh, Email:director_uils@pu.ac.in): 120 Seats (for Indian Nationals); 12 Seats (for Foreign Nationals/NRIs*)
- B.Com LL.B (Hons) 5 years Integrated Course (University Institute of Legal Studies, Panjab University, Chandigarh, Email:director_uils@pu.ac.in): 120 Seats (for Indian Nationals); 12 Seats (for Foreign Nationals/NRIs*)
- B.A LLB (Hons) 5 year Integrated Course (UIL, PU Regional Centre, Ludhiana): 87 Seats (for Indian Nationals); 08 Seats (for Foreign Nationals/NRIs*)
- B.A.LLB (Hons) 5 year Integrated Course (UILS, Swami Sarvanand Giri, P.U. Regional Centre, Hoshiarpur, Email:ssgpurc@yahoo.com): 60 Seats (for Indian Nationals); 08 Seats (for Foreign Nationals/NRIs*)
Eligibility Criteria
All those candidate who has passed/appeared in March 2016 in the 10+2 examination of the Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi or its equivalent exam conducted by a recognized
Board/University/Council shall be eligible to appear in the Entrance Test
The admission of a candidate to the Entrance Test shall be provisional
The candidature of a candidate who has appeared in 10+2 exam in March 2016, shall stand cancelled if She/he fails to pass or gets reappear or fails to secure the prescribed percentage of marks in the qualifying exam; such candidate will not have any claim, whatsoever with regard to her/his admission to the above-said courses
The candidates who have passed/appeared in 10+2 Exam of Mahila Gram Vidyapith, Allahabad is ineligible to appear in the Entrance Test, as this institution has been de-recognized by Panjab University, Chandigarh
- B.A. LL.B (Hons) 5 years Integrated: Candidates should have passed 10+2 examination with at least 50% marks (45% marks in case of SC/ST/BC) from any recognized board/university
- However, the candidates qualifying 10+2 through open universities system directly without having any basic qualification for prosecuting such studies are not eligible for admission in the law courses
- B.Com-LL.B (Hons) 5 years Integrated: Candidates should have passed 10+2 examination in commerce stream or in Arts stream with Mathematics or Economics subjects with at least 50% marks (45% marks in case of SC/ST/BC) from any recognized board/university
However, the candidates qualifying 10+2 through open universities system directly without having any basic qualification for prosecuting such studies are not eligible for admission in the law courses
PU Law Entrance Test Scheme
Qualifying the Entrance Test shall not ipso facto, entitle a candidate to get admission to an institution/Course concerned where s/he intends to seek admission
The Panjab University BA/B.Com LLB Entrance Test shall consist of one paper on "Legal and General Awarness" as per the details given below:
- - Number of Question - 100
- - Marks allotted to each Question - 1 mark each
- - Marks deducted for each wrong answer - ¼
- - Total Marks for the paper - 100 marks
- - Duration of the Paper - 90 minutes
Out of these 100 questions, 60 questions will be based on Testing General Knowledge and Current Affairs, 20 Aptitude for Law, 10 Testing Mental Ability and rest of the 10 questions testing English Language
The Question Paper will be available in English, Hindi and Punjabi (except for the portion "Proficiency in English Language")
However, the medium of instruction for teaching and semester examination will be English only
Admit Card
Admit Card will be issued to the candidate only provisionally, at her/his sole risk and responsibility It is further clarified that as far as the eligibility is concerned, university shall, in no way, be responsible
If s/he is found to be ineligible, later on, it will lead to cancellation of her/his result and any other consequence/s emanating from the same
The candidate should answer questions on the provided OMR Answer Sheet only, strictly as per rules/norms stated in the Question Booklet and the OMR Answer-sheet
Every candidate is required to hand over both the OMR Answer Sheet and the Question Booklet to the Centre Superintendent when the time allowed for the Entrance Test is over, even if s/he has not attempted any question
No page/part of the Question booklet/OMR Answer-sheet is to be removed/torn/taken out of the Test Centre under any circumstances, failing which the candidate shall be straight away disqualified from the Entrance Test
How to Apply
Any candidate wishing to appear in the Entrance Test for seeking admission to the above-said course/s should submit an online Application Form
The Procedure and Guidelines for the same have been uploaded on Panjab University website uglaw.puchd.ac.in
The result of the Entrance Test could be downloaded from http://uglaw.puchd.ac.in. No separate Result Card will be issued. Only the eligible candidates can apply for the admission
For detailed Instructions related to admission, refer to Handbook of Information 2016, likely to be available at Panjab University website www.puchd.ac.in
Fee: General Category: Rs.1100/-; SC/ST: Rs.550/-
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