Monday, April 4, 2016

ICAR All India Entrance Exam 2016 for UG & PG Admissions


Indian Council of Agricultural Research invites applications from Indian Nationals, in the prescribed format for ICAR AIEEA-UG-2016 and ICAR AIEEA-PG 2016 on 100% Seats at ICAR-Deemed-to-be Universities(Bachelor Degree at NDRI Karnal only while Master Degrees at IARI, IVRI, NDRI and CIFE), and on 15% seats for Bachelor Degrees and 25% seats for Master Degrees at State Agricultural Universities; Central Agricultural University, Imphal; Central Universities with Agricultural Faculty (B.H.U., Viswa Bharati, Nagaland University and A.M.U (for PG only) and the SHIATS, Allahabad for the academic Session 2016-17

Eligibility Criteria

AIEEA-UG-2016: Between 17 to 23 years for General Category candidates as on 31st August 2016. (Must have been born between 01-09-1992 to 01-09-1998); the upper age limit for candidates belonging to SC/ST/PC (Physically Challenged) Categories would be relaxable by 5 years

Qualifying Examination

AIEEA-UG-2016 (Other than Veterinary Sciences): Must have passed and obtained not less than 50% marks in aggregate for admission under General, UPS (Underprivileged State) and OBC Categories or 40% Marks in aggregate for admission under SC, ST and PC categories in 10+2 examination or equivalent / Inter (Agriculture) with PCM/ PCB/ PCMB/ PCA/ PCH subject combinations

Application Form

AIEEA-UG-2016: Rs.500/- for General, OBC and UPS Categories and Rs.250/- for SC, ST and PC Categories

Important Dates

  • ICAR AIEEA-UG/PG 2016 Application Form re-scheduled [expected dates]
  • ICAR AIEEA 2016 Online Application Form Availability: 02nd Week of April 2016
  • ICAR AIEEA 2016 Exam will conduct on (AIEEA-UG-2016) Program: 21st May 2016 (Saturday)
  • ICAR AIEEA 2016 Result will declared on: May 2016

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