Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Girls Impact the World Film Festival 2017


The Girls Impact the World Film Festival, presented by the Harvard College Social Innovation Collaborative (SIC) and Connecther, is a film festival and scholarship program in which high school and undergraduate college students submit 3-5 minute short films that focus on a variety of global women's issues, including maternal health, microfinance initiatives, child-marriage, sex-trafficking, poverty alleviation, and so on.

Winners will receive a monetary prize, film distribution channels via SIC, Connecther and Creative Visions networks, as well as an internship opportunity at Creative Visions in Los Angeles. An official screening and red carpet will take place at Harvard University. The film festival has marketing partners in college campuses across the nation.

Our goal is to tell stories about girls and women that raise awareness, envision, in film, the possibilities of our time for females globally, and propose solutions, all the while providing the young adult voice an outlet in a compelling medium. 

Films will 
1) Raise awareness about current issues affecting women and girls around the world and/or 2) Propose solutions to current challenges faced by women.

These issues include, but are not limited to:

-Political participation
-Economic independence
-Domestic and gendered violence
-Maternal mortality
-Teen & child marriage
-Sex trafficking and slavery
-Women and girls in media
-Women in leadership
-Education for girls and women

Eligibility Criteria

  • Gender: Any
  • Region: Global (except Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Sudan and Syria)
  • Class/Age: The participants must 25 years old aged on December 31, 2016 (special circumstances may be considered).

The participants should be enrolled in undergraduates program (global) OR should be a full-time high school student.

  • One director (Participant) is allowed to enter maximum 2 short movies in the competition.
  • One director (participant) is allowed to enter maximum 2 short movies in the competition


  • Judges’ Choice Grand Prize: $5000
  • Judges’ Choice 1st Runner Up: $2500
  • Judges’ Choice 2nd Runner Up: $1000
  • People's Choice Winner: $2500
  • Most Innovative Solution: $1000
  • Ian Somerhalder Foundation Green IS Prize - $2500
  • HONEST BEAUTY Prize - $2500
  • Global Impact Prize: $2,500
  • Stand Up Men Prize: $2,500
  • Girls in STEM Prize: $1,000
  • Let Girls Learn Prize: $1,000

How to Apply

  • The eligible participants can easily participants in the Girls Impact the World Film Festival. The participants have to enter their short movie only on the official website of the competition.

The link is given below:

Guidelines for Girls Impact the World Film Festival

  • Your film should be between 3 and 6 minutes long. 
  • Your film must contain the provide End Marker still image.
  • Your film can be a (1) narrative, (2) documentary, (3) investigative reporting, (4) music video, (5) animation, or (6) curated film (film collage). Please see the FAQ for more details about film genres and film content.
  • Your film must be created after January 1, 2017
  • Your film must be your own original work and not infringe any copyright or ownership agreements. 
  • You must not premiere your film before entering it on the Girls Impact the World website.
  • You may only be involved with two submitted entries per year.
  • Once you have submitted your video, please share and publicize it through the Girls Impact the World Gallery page. This is intended to help you further the number of facebook likes, tweets and views for the People's Choice Grand Prize.
  • At the end of your film please add a slide that shows at least 2 or more organizations that are working on solutions to the issue area that you address in your short film. You can highlight Connecther projects and/or other organizations. (optional but recommended)


  • All footage, video graphics/pictures, and audio (including sound bites, music, etc.) MUST be original, unless you have the express written consent of the original owner for use in your work. We will not knowingly accept a movie that contains copyrighted material. 
  • Submitting your film gives Connecther and the Harvard College Social Innovation Collaborative (SIC) permission to screen the work on its websites, with all authors credited appropriately. You also grant Connecther and SIC permission and rights to publish selected screenshots from your work on their websites and in promotional material, and to distribute the film via our networks. 
For more information click the link given below:

Selection Process

  • The participant will be selected for the prize in each category by a selected jury of judges. 
  • The competition conducting body organize a jury which includes known artist around the world.

Judges of the competition will evaluate the short film sent by the candidates for the award in each category on the basis of the following criteria:

  • Clarity and impact of message
  • Creativity in presentation
  • feasibility of solution
  • Most innovative solution
  • Screenplay/ Script
  • Cinematography/ Editing

People's Choice winner will be selected by the judges on the basis of the number of like and shares of Facebook and Youtube on their short movie. The participant should try to get more like and share of Facebook and Youtube on their short movie.


  • Abdulhamid Juma
  • Christy Turlington Burns
  • Eloise DeJoria
  • Elizabeth Avellan
  • Ian Somerhalder 
  • Jean Oelwang 
  • Jeff Skoll 
  • Leymah Gbowee 
  • Professor Muhammad Yunus 
  • Nikki Reed
  • Pat Mitchell 
  • Robb Moss
  • Sharmeen Obaid Chinoy 
  • Zainab Salbi 

Important Dates

  • Girls Impact the World Film Festival Entries begins: May 1, 2016
  • Girls Impact the World Film Festival Enteries Ends: January 18, 2017
  • Girls Impact the World Film Festival Finalist Judging ends: February 20, 2017

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