- There should be no odour with minimum use of water.
- There should be no discharge except pH neutral water.
- The design of the toilet should be aesthetically pleasing and passenger friendly.
- The design needs to be durable enough to bear usage pattern and vibrations due to dynamic forces up to a level of 3g.
Application Details: The applications need to be submitted by the means of email and the submission needs to be as per following:
- The submission needs to be made on A4 size with a brief explanation (about half page) of the Design and how it achieves the cleaning of toilets without water and prevent emanation of foul smell.
- It may include drawings and material details to illustrate the design. The plan for disposal of waste and environment impact of the same should also be mentioned.
- It should provide a cost assessment of proposed design for setup and operation along with the details of consumables and power requirement of the proposed design if any.
- It should specify the assessed life of the designed component.
- It should include a plan for disposal of waste and environment impact if any.
- Submission: The submission of the proposal needs to be done in clearly readable PDF format.
- The language can either be Hindi or English with font size equivalent to 12 in single line spacing.
- The file should have maximum 10 pages with overall size 10 MB.
- The submission should be done to ‘waterlessodourlesstoilets@rdso.railnet.gov.in’
- The bio‐data, Contact Detail (mobile no. , email id etc.), and affiliations of the applicant to be sent separately in the mail.
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