National Council for Hotel Management and Catering Technology, Noida invites applications for admission to B.Sc. Hospitality & Hotel Administration Programme (A full time Regular Course) for admission session 2017-18.
National Council for Hotel Management and Catering Technology (NCHMCT) and Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) has published notification for NCHM JEE 2017
Details of B.Sc. Hospitality & Hotel Administration Programme
- The Bachelor of Science Programme in Hospitality and Hotel Administration is offered jointly by the National Council for Hotel Management (NCHMCT) and the Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU)
- The 3 years (6 Semesters) course equips students with all the required skills, knowledge and attitude to efficiently discharge supervisory responsibilities in the Hospitality Sector.
- The programme also involves in-depth laboratory work for students to acquire required knowledge and skill standards in the operational areas of Food Production, Food & Beverage Service, Front Office Operation and Housekeeping.
- It also provides managerial inputs in Hotel Accountancy, Food Safety & Quality, HR Mgmt., Facility Planning, Financial Mgmt., Strategic Management, Tourism Marketing and Management
Eligibility Criteria
- A pass in 10+2 system of Senior Secondary Exam or its equivalent with English as one of the subjects
- Candidate must have passed English as a subject of study (core/elective/functional) in the qualifying exam; those appearing in 10+2 or equivalent exam can also appear in JEE 2017 on provisional basis
- Provisional admission will stand cancelled if proof of having passed the qualifying exam (10+2 or its equivalent) is not submitted at the time of counselling or at the time of admission or latest by 30th September 2017
- The offer of admission is subject to verification of original certificates/documents at the time of admission; if any candidate is found ineligible at a later date even after admission to an Institute, his/her admission will stand cancelled
- Qualifying Exams for Indian Students: In addition, two level exam in the 10+2 pattern of Senior Secondary education of any recognized Central/State Board, such as Central Board of Sr. Education and Council for Indian School Certificate Exam or State Boards of Secondary Education.
- Intermediate or two-year Pre-University Examination conducted by a recognized Board/ University; General Certificate Education (GCE) Examination (London/Cambridge/Sri Lanka) at the Advanced (A) level.
- High School Certificate Examination of the Cambridge University
- Any Public School/Board/University Exam in India or in a foreign country recognized by the Association of Indian Universities as equivalent to 10+2 pattern of Senior Secondary education
- H.S.C. Vocational Examination approved by NCVT and SCVT of concerned state
- Senior Secondary School Exam conducted by the National Open School with a minimum of five subjects including English as one of the Subjects, result of which should be available upto 30th Sept. 2017
Age Limit
- For candidates from General and OBC categories, upper age limit is 22 years as on 01st July 2017. Candidates born on or after 01st July 1995 are eligible; in the case of SC & ST candidates, upper age limit is 25 years as on 01st July 2016.
- That is SC/ST candidates born on or after 01st July 1997 are eligible. Upper age limit for Physically Challenged candidates shall be reckoned as per the category he/she belongs to i.e. General/SC/ST/OBC
- Date of birth as recorded in the Secondary Education Board/Pre-University Certificate shall be the authentic proof that will be accepted
Physical Fitness
- All qualified candidates will have to submit a physical fitness certificate at the time of admission from a Registered Medical Practitioner in the prescribed format given at ANNEXURE-I
Reservation of Seats
As per Government of India, rules candidates belonging to certain categories are admitted to seats reserved for them. Benefit of reservation shall be given only to those classes/castes/tribes, which are in the respective Central
- 15% for Scheduled Caste (SC) Category in Central and State IHMs
- 7½% for Scheduled Tribes (ST) Category in Central and State IHMs
- 27% for OBC (Central List) (Non-Creamy Layer) Category in Central IHMs
- 3% seats shall be reserved for Physically Disabled across board as per rules
Exam Pattern
- The Date of Written Test Exam is on 29th April 2017 (Saturday, 10.00 am to 1.00 pm)
- Subject: Numerical Ability and Analytical Aptitude (30 questions); Reasoning and Logical Deduction (30 questions); General Knowledge & Current Affairs (30 questions); English Language (60 questions) and Aptitude for Service Sector (50 questions)
- Total No. of Questions: 200 and Duration of 3.00 Hours
- Question Paper will be bilingual i.e. in English and Hindi (except for English Language)
- Each correct answer under Numerical Ability & Analytical Aptitude, Reasoning & Logical Deduction, General Knowledge & Current Affairs and English Language components carry one mark
- For any wrong answer 0.25 marks will be deducted
Written Test Centres for JEE-2017
- JEE-2017 will be held on 29th Apr 2017 from 10.00 am to 01.00 p.m., Candidates should report at exam venue 60 minutes before the commencement of the exam
- Candidates should choose any one Test Centre from the following 33 Test Centres for appearing in the Written Exam: Ahmedabad, Bangaluru, Bhopal, Bhubaneswar, Chandigarh, Chennai, Delhi, Dehradun, Gangtok, Goa, Gurdaspur, Guwahati, Gwalior, Hyderabad, Jammu, Jabalpur, Jaipur, Jamshedpur, Kochi, Kolkata, Lucknow, Madurai, Mumbai, Nagpur, Patna, Puducherry, Pune, Raipur, Shimla, Siliguri, Srinagar, Thiruvananthapuram and Varanasi
How to Apply
- Sale of Application Form and Information Brochure shall commence from 19th December 2016 from affiliated Institute, NCHMCT Office, Noida, Detail shall be available on the Council's website www.nchm.nic.in from the 12th December 2016
- For online submission of Application Form (w.e.f. 12th December 2016) log on to https://applyadmission.net/nchmjee2017 or www.nchm.nic.in and follow instructions
- For their addresses and details access www.nchm.nic.in. However, candidates are advised to opt for online submission of application which in hassle free, accurate and economical
Fees of Application Form
- For On-Line: Rs.800/- for General/OBC categories and Rs.400/- for SC/ST & PD categories
- For Off-line: Rs.900/- for General/OBC categories and Rs.450/- for SC/ST & PD categories
Submission of Application Form: Duly completed Application Form should be sent to
"JEE CELL" National Council for Hotel Management and Catering Technology,
A-34, Sector 62,
in the pre-addressed envelope by Registered Post/Speed Post
Ensure that the Application Form is not folded (Application sent through private courier services will not be accepted)
Admit Card
Admit Card to be downloaded from www.nchm.nic.in and
- Candidate shall have to download the admit card (in duplicate) from 19th April 2017 to 29th April 2017
- Candidate should carefully check the Admit Card for all the entries made therein. Any discrepancy should immediately be brought to the notice of JEE CELL in the Council through email at jeenchm@gmail.com
- One copy of Admit Card duly self attested to be deposited with invigilator for his/her signature and same be preserved & produced for appearing during Counselling while second copy of Admit Card is required to be retained at the exam center
Important Dates
- Application Form Available Online: 12th December 2016 to 14th April 2017
- Last Date for Receipt of Filled-in Form: 14th April 2017
- Availability of Admit Cards on NCHMCT Website: 19th April 2017 onwards
- Written Examination (JEE 2017): 29th April 2017 (Saturday)
- Timings of JEE 2017: 1000 Hrs to 1300 Hrs (3 hours)
- Result of JEE on Website: 03rd Week of May 2017
- Conduct of Counselling Last week of May 2017 and First week of June 2017
- Commencement of Academic Session: 17th July 2017
NCHMCT JEE Admit Card 2017 is released today on 19 April 2017 on the official website. The written exam will be conducted on 29th april, download NCHMCT JEE Admit Card 2017 to appear in exam.