Institute of Hotel Management (IHM), Aurangabad invites applications for admission to 4 years Bachelor of Arts (B.A) Honors Program in Hotel Management and Culinary Arts for the session 2017-18.
Admission to IHM-A and University of Huddersfield, UK would be governed by applicable regulations surrounding the collaborative relationship between Maulana Azad Educational Trust, Indian Hotels Company Limited (Taj Group) and University of Huddersfield.
IHM offer students to pursue their first 2 year of the program in India and to continue their 3rd and 4th year of study either in UK or India itself.
Eligibility Criteria
- Candidates should have completed the Std.XII (10+2) or equivalent examination in any stream with English as the medium of instruction to participate in this admission process.
- Candidates who have appeared for the board exams in the current year and are awaiting Results can still apply
Selection Procedure
- An electronic profiling assessment will be sent to your registered email address, you need to click the test link, complete the test and then read through your assessment report.
- The candidate will be will be required to carry a hard copy of this assessment report for verification before you proceed with the next steps to a Group Discussion, writing a Statement of Purpose and finally participating in a Personal Interview in June 2017.
- Candidates will be short-listed based on a collective assessment of your Profiling (weightage - 20%), Statement of Purpose and Group Discussion (weightage – 30%) and a Personal Interview (weightage – 50%).
Personal Interview we will be seeking talent in the following five areas:
- Communication Skills
- Analytical Skills
- General Awareness
- Service Orientation
- Personality Factors
Please adhere to the prescribed dress code when you meet us at the designated Centre.
- Ladies - formal attire - saris or business suits preferred - formal ensembles or a full sleeved shirt, scarves and formal shoes.
- Gentlemen - formal attire – suit, jacket or blazer preferred - formal trousers, full sleeved shirt, neck tie and formal shoes.
How to Apply
- In order to be able to access the profiling test, candidates must make an online payment of Rs.1500/-
- Please be advised that www.ihmaurangabad.ac.in is the only electronic official channel of registration. If you are unable to complete any part of this process, please contact Admission Officer on ihm.aurangabad@tajhotels.com only and you will receive a response within 24 hours
- You must complete all prescribed admission processes ONLY through our authorized online procedure.
- The candidate will receive an official email from Dean or a phone call from the Institute’s Admission Office based on candidates collective performance in the Online Profiling Test, Statement of Purpose, Group Discussion and Personal Interview.
- A merit list will be present on the Admissions website.
Important Dates
- Last date to fill the application Form: 30 May 2017
- Group Discussion and Personal Interview: July/August 2017
- Session begins: September 2017
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