Tuesday, July 25, 2017

CBSE Udaan Program for Class 11 and 12 girls- Free Coaching


Udaan is designed to provide a comprehensive platform to deserving girl students who aspire to pursue higher education in engineering and support them to prepare for the entrance examinations while studying in classes XI and XII.


  • To address the challenge of low enrollment  of girls in technical education institutes.
  • To enable and empower the girl students to fulfill their aspiration of technical education.
  • To minimize the gap between school education & engineering entrance examination.
  • To enrich and enhance teaching and learning of Science and Mathematics at senior secondary level. 

About this Program

Udaan is designed to provide a comprehensive platform to deserving girl students who aspire to pursue higher education in engineering and support them to prepare for the entrance examinations while studying in classes XI and XII. 

The following are the salient features of this program :-

  • Free of cost support for Girl students of Classes XI and XII.
  • Provision of preparatory material through an online portal.
  • Availability of tutorials, videos lectures and study material.
  • Organization of Virtual contact classes at 60 designated city centres.
  • Assessments designed to provide useful feedback on learning.
  • Remedial steps to correct learning.
  • Peer learning and mentoring opportunities for meritorious students.
  • Motivation sessions with students/parents.
  • Student helpline services to clarify doubts, monitor student learning and support technology.
  • Constant monitoring and tracking of student progress with feedback to parents.
  • Intensive face to face program for ‘focused group students’ to further enrich their preparedness for JEE (Mains) & JEE (Advanced).


  • The selected students will have access to an online portal which will be organized on the basis of classes XI and XII with three subject streams - Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. This portal will have content in the form of videos, tutorials and text. 
  • Once enrolled for the programme, progress of the student will be monitored and tracked on their learning pace. Periodic contact classes will enable update on the progress made by the student.
  • Assessments are built into the learning process and will allow monitoring of student’s learning.
  • Students will have interactive group where they will be able to interact with their peers and teachers.
  • A helpline will be available to the students to clarify their doubts and concerns at any point.
  • Concepts will be organized based on the learning taking place in the classroom as per the syllabus of classes XI and XII. 

Eligibility Criteria

  • Nationality: Indian
  • Gender: Girls
  • Academic qualification: Girl students enrolled in Class XI in Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics stream. Minimum 70% marks in Class X overall and 80% marks in Science and Mathematics; for Boards which follow CGPA, a minimum CGPA of 8 and a GPA of 9 in Science and Mathematics


  • The annual family income should be less than Rs. 6 lakhs per annum 
  • Reservation as per JEE (Advanced)
        1) OBC (NCL) - 27 % , SC – 15 % , ST – 7.5 %
        2) PWD – 3 % of seats in every category
  • Any girl student studying in class XI of KVs/ NVs/Government schools of any recognized Board in India/ CBSE affiliated Private Schools.

Selection Process

The selection of the students will be based on merit and will be considered against the city chosen by the candidate for the weekly virtual contact classes.  

To know the list of cities, Click here!


Students will be eligible for financial assistance in the form of admission and tuition fee subject to fulfillment of the following conditions-

  • Student should have minimum 75% attendance in Udaan weekly assessments for the classes XI and XII each.
  • Student gets admission in IIT/NIT/ centrally funded engineering Institutes.
  • Student is not taking scholarship and/or financial assistance from any other source. A certificate needs to be submitted w.r.t. non-availing any other scholarship/grant/financial assistance from any other organization or institute duly verified by the head of the institution where she will be taking admission to pursue technical education.
  • Student ensures satisfactory performance/ promotion in each term.


Parent consent is compulsory for admission into this program. A declaration by the parent that they accept the terms and conditions of the program and are willing to support the student in this effort will be required along with the registration form.

How to Apply

Read the 'Udaan Brochure' thoroughly. 

Fill the application form online and press submit link.

Take the printout of

  • Filled Application form
  • Undertaking to be signed by the parent
  • Verification certificate to be signed by the school Principal
  • Applicant’s confirmation certificate

Get the printed application form duly verified from your school Principal along with following documents:

  • Undertaking that applicant is a regular student of the mentioned school
  • Annual income certificate
  • Reservation certificate (if applicable)
  • Class X marksheet / gradesheet fulfilling the eligibility criteria.
  • Undertaking (attached in the annexure of Udaan brochure) filled and signed by the parent/guardian of the applicant

Take the verified application form along with required documents including verification certificate of the school Principal and confirmation by applicant to the city coordinator of the chosen centre.

Submit all your documents to the city coordinator and collect filled acknowledgement receipt of your application and keep it with yourself for later use.

 Click here to Apply!

For more information, You can call 011-23214737 or write to udaan.cbse2017@gmail.com for any queries.

Important Dates

  • Registration opens from: 18th July 2017
  • Last date of Applying: 31st July 2017

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